When the creators of the horror film Demonte Colony revealed a sequel, many were taken aback. The second installment was originally going to be directed by a different person, but ajay Gnanamuthu, who was in charge of the first, changed his mind and took the reins.
The crew has not yet revealed any information regarding the characters of Arulnithi, who played the lead in the first edition, and priya Bhavani Shankar, who will play another lead. Cinephiles are unsure if Demonte Colony 2 has a fresh plot as the previous part's finale saw the death of the former, who played the former's final scene. No wonder, priya opts for such movies as she fails on a repeated note.
To mark the completion of filming, the crew has now released a promotional video. The action and eerie moments that are anticipated to be key parts of the movie have also been hinted at. In the BTS video, which has underwater sequences and a mystery elderly guy who is probably going to play a significant role in the film, Arulnithi, and priya can be seen. According to the video, the events in Demonte Colony 2 must take place in a sizable structure because it is where the majority of the film is rumored to have been shot.