The unfounded rumors about the young starlet Krithi Shetty's personal life have left her feeling extremely distressed. This evening, the gifted beauty issued a plea on twitter to all the media outlets that have been fabricating things about her life. According to persistent rumors, Krithi purportedly said in an interview that a celebrity hero's son is harassing her. According to Krithi, the celebrity child follows her everywhere she goes and is making a lot of effort to get close to her, much to Krithi's discomfort.
Just as the rumors started to spread, Krithi rushed to social media to say that they were completely unfounded and that she had to act since they were being exaggerated. She continued by pleading with the media outlets not to fabricate tales and misleading information. On the professional front, Krithi's most recent tamil movie, Genie, had a big premiere yesterday in Chennai.
Krithi Shetty experienced rumours for the first time in her professional life. The stunning debut of the young actress in "Uppena" was followed by roles in more than six telugu films. She presently performs in tamil films. There is a rumour that she said during a tamil movie event that a hero's kid stalks her and follows her everywhere she goes. This news item soon gained popularity.