Chiranjeevi to Pooja Hegde - Tollywood Stars and their Love...
Recently, BYD Atto 3 was purchased by mass Maharaja ravi Teja, who reportedly spent Rs. 17,628 for registration. He won the number plate with the bid of TS 09 GB 2628 in an online auction. naresh -Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">allari naresh has since joined the list of famous EV fans. The EV6 GT electric car from KIA cost him Rs. 64.95 lakhs. It appears that he purchased the licence plate TS 09 GB 2799 for Rs. 94000 via an online auction.
Even pooja hegde got a new EV and she was having a ride in the streets of mumbai and also later in Navi Mumbai. In general, tollywood stars appear to have changed their attention to electric vehicles. We can anticipate their supporters to express interest in purchasing EVs in the future as a result of them purchasing these vehicles.