Sai Dharam Tej is returning with his latest movie, Virupaksha, after a lengthy absence. Samyuktha menon plays the female lead in the karthik Dandu-directed film Virupaksha. A major release of the spooky thriller is scheduled for april 21 (tomorrow). There aren't any high hopes for this film. Although the teaser generated some interest, the advance reservations are not particularly impressive. However, Virupaksha benefits from a successful box office performance.
This week sees a solo release. Shaakuntalam, which debuted last week, was a box-office failure. The same is true of ravi Teja's most recent movie, Ravanasura. dasara by nani is about to finish its run. The summer vacations, on the other hand, will begin this week. Due to the lack of noteworthy films to see, Virupaksha has been the preferred choice for many fans. If the movie has a positive buzz, it will do well at the box office.
Both Mani Ratnam's ponniyin selvan 2 and Akhil's Agent will be in theatres the following week. Therefore, Virupaksha has one week to make a tonne of money at the box office. Let us wait and see if the movie can get some success and take tollywood a notch higher or not.