These days most celebrities have a private instagram account apart from their official one. Even Thalapathy Vijay who made his official debut revealed that he had a dummy ID before on social media and was watching all the happenings. Similarly, allu arjun has 2 private instagram accounts, and both of them are locked now.
One of his close girlfriends has shared an instagram story and that's where Allu Arjun's private account user ID has been leaked. The user ID goes by the name bunny_boy_private. Meanwhile, Allu Arjun, who turned 41 on Saturday, was incredibly "humbled" by the countless well wishes and oceans of love he received from his fans all over the world. The pushpa actor uploaded a sweet photo of himself on sunday morning with his hands folded in appreciation for all of the love he has received from his social media family and followers.
The actor's children, son Ayaan and daughter Arha can also be seen in the picture, which may increase the adorable factor. The actor posted the image on his instagram account along with the message, "Thank You, everybody. Thank you for the kind wishes and affection from around the world. I am really fortunate. Humbled. Gratitude Always.