Unfulfilled love of famous actress..!? Kamal fulfilled it..?
All the love stories of the world hero kamal haasan are known to the cinema world without any shadow. He also has confirmed relationships with vani Ganapathi, Sarika, and Gautami. Similarly, he has relationships with Simran, Andrea, and pooja kumar which ended with rumors. But there is one actress who does not belong in any way. The love of this actress is told in two ways. Some people say that she fell in love with Kamal Haasan. Some say that kamal haasan also fell in love with her but at the same time fell in love with vani Ganapathi and married her and left her. Even the malayalam film 'Diraikatha' was made based on these two.

But she has said that she should see kamal haasan when she is about to die. kamal haasan also visited Srividya in person and chatted with her for two hours. After Srividya's death, Kamala Haasan wrote for her in his obituary and mentioned her as a dying friend. And kamal haasan posted a video in celebration of his 60th anniversary in cinema, calling out the most important people in his life. Srividya's name was there first. Kamal never said that he was in love with Srividya under any circumstances.