In the 2021 film Rang De, which starred Nitiin and Keerthy suresh, they appeared together onscreen. The two previously shared many amusing on-set moments during shooting. One of the more well-known practical jokes was when actor Nithiin posted a photo of Keerthy suresh napping while he and the director were hard at work, along with the description, "Between the shot @KeerthyOfficial relaxing." while we're perspiring. The fans were thrilled by this amusing interplay between the celebrities at the time.
Keerthy suresh recently shared an edited picture from the film's production in 2020, in which Nitiin appears to have had his head digitally edited in a funny motion. It appears that Keerthy suresh has finally gotten her much-anticipated sweet revenge on her co-star. netizens have taken notice of this, and supporters are pleased with the small amount of retaliation Keerthy was able to exact on her co-star.
Her instagram caption, which referred to their respective character names in the movie, read, "Hi Arjun, here is my revenge, Love, Anu." Fans are anticipating a response from their beloved celebrity Nitiin, and we can expect more amusement on this front in the days to come.