Shruti Haasan, an actress and singer who is renowned for speaking out about her sentiments, recently addressed her younger self on social media and shared with her followers the uncertainties that she experienced after 2012. The actress uploaded a photo from 2012 on instagram along with a statement on how the year wasn't all that great for her personally and how little she knew that things would also change professionally for her.
Shruti shared the image and added the statement, "This photo was taken in 2012; it wasn't a great year for me personally, and I had no idea how things would turn out for me professionally at the time. I wish I could go back in time and give that version of me a big hug and show her where she would ultimately end up as I look back at her." I want to tell her that people will always say s**t, that there is a strong breeze of fakery continually in the air, that the instinct was accurate, and that strength is vulnerability, she said in the post.
She is thankful for the oddballs that life has thrown her way since they have taught her new things all the time. "But the pain in the fire that (is) always burning in me, always searching for something ahead of me - something to learn from something, to see something, to dream for - is what gives me from my yesterdays for my tomorrows. It is silent, violent, and honest, and it has recently let off some #gothpapa vibes "Finally, she said.