Two major discussions have recently erupted on telugu social media circuits in response to the iconic director K Viswanath's burial at Punjagutta Graveyard. The director was buried rather than cremated for one of the reasons, and telangana State did not accord him any official state honours, other than the 21-gun salute. The reason he was buried rather than formed has to do with caste culture, as a sect of Shaivaites who are Brahmins will be interred so that the "shiva lingam" they wear won't be burnt.
Regarding the state honours portion, no one is sure why k viswanath was denied one, although some claim that the telangana Government has stopped bestowing them since politics has been woven into the process. people have criticised them heavily since since they accorded state honours to the last Nizam, who recently passed away.
Due to this, TS has not recently accorded jamuna the same state honours that they have given to Kaikala Satyanarayana. Some contend that whether or not these celebrities receive a state funeral is based on their political sympathies. A state honour is irrelevant because cinema artists will always have a special place in people's hearts.