Several rumours have circulated about Vishwak Sen and nivetha pethuraj being the couple. The recent release of the trailer for Vishwak and Nivetha's Dhamki adds fuel to the current speculation. nivetha, who had previously been limited to non-glamorous and substance-related jobs, burst like never before. The couple's on-screen chemistry is so genuine and lovely that it suggests they're seeing each other. Their rapport, friendliness, and ability to pull off daring situations show that there is something special between them.
Vishwak and nivetha must establish whether or not they are in a relationship. However, word on the street is that they are the latest lovebirds in Tollywood. In Paagal, the couple was paired opposite one another. They will now be seen together in Das Ka Dhamki. They could probably just dismiss the rumours by claiming that sharing screen space was the source of the rumours. We need to hear it straight from the horse's mouth. Let us now await
Vishwak Sen plays two characters, which is a big surprise from the video. According to accounts, a business owner with an annual revenue of several crores of rupees was killed in a car accident. The family patriarch then orders that he be replaced by a waiter. The rest of the novel is about how he makes his family happy and restores the business to its former glory. Vishwak Sen and nivetha Pethuraj's love story features characteristics that appeal to young people.