When celebrities like Pawan Kalyan, Prabhas, and others went to pay their respects to a great figure from tollywood who had passed away, fans caused a ruckus, chanted "Powerstar," and rushed to take pictures of them. Even a famous hero complained that the circumstance should be understood by the audience, and they should act appropriately. Some of the visitors were even observed taking selfies with trivikram and Thaman inside the house on tuesday while paying their final respects to superstar Krishna.
Mahesh was sobbing on one side, and some star-obsessed guests were taking selfies with celebrities without their permission. It only goes to show how sometimes individuals can be so callous and act carelessly without realising how serious the circumstance is. Even on these occasions, few celebrities are obviously upset by this behaviour, which draws throngs of moviegoers to catch a glimpse of their favourite actors and, if possible, take a selfie with them, even though they are grieving and have come to pay their respects.
On november 15, telugu actor Ghattamaneni Siva Rama krishna Murthy, better known as Krishna, passed away. He was 79. Children from his first marriage to Indira, Mahesh Babu, Padmavathi, Manjula, and Priyadarshini, as well as children from his second marriage to actor-director Vijaya Nirmala, survive Krishna. On september 28, this year, Indira passed away. K. chandrasekhar Rao, the chief minister of Telangana, expressed condolences for the loss of the renowned actor and producer. The telugu film industry has suffered a great loss with the passing of Krishna, who appeared in more than 350 films and made a lasting impression on viewers.