pokiri, a cult favourite starring mahesh babu, was re-released on august 9 in honour of the actor's birthday. In theatres all across the world, fans have organised special screenings to celebrate the movie. Nobody anticipated the picture would receive such a warm response. pokiri was shown in over 375 theatres all around the world. From these special shows, it reportedly made more than Rs. 1.73 crores. This is a remarkable accomplishment for a movie that came out more than 16 years ago.
The telugu Film Directors Trust and the MB Foundation will receive donations from the movie's profits, it has been announced recently. A formal announcement was made to that effect. According to the statement, 10 lakhs of the funds raised will be given to the telugu Film Directors Trust, while the remaining funds will be given to the MB Foundation to support heart operations and the education of underprivileged children. Following such an overwhelming response, fans of other actors are now preparing to host special screenings of the movies starring their preferred actor.
The good news is that the donations will only be used for deserving charitable causes. The full sum, less Rs 10 lakh, would go to the mahesh babu and namrata Shirodkar-founded MB Foundation. The telugu Film Directors Trust will receive the remaining one million rupees for the benefit of struggling filmmakers. Today, the cast of "Sarkaru Vaari Paata" expressed gratitude to puri jagannadh, the film's director, for his assistance. The fact that the collections will be used to pay for the procedures of needy children and newborns suffering from cardiac and other conditions makes the fans who made the shows an event to remember very happy.