The Batman Trailer reveals The Riddler New Costume?

frame The Batman Trailer reveals The Riddler New Costume?

A new glimpse at the Riddler's suit is seen in a commercial for The Batman. Paul Dano marks his DC debut as Edward Nashton, a mass murderer who encroaches on Gotham's wealthy and provokes others with puzzles, in the latest movie from storyteller Matt Reeves. Dano is most recognised for his nasty roles in Paul Thomas Anderson's There Will Be Blood as the impure pastor Eli sunday and Steve McQueen's 12 Years a Slave as the brutal slave master John Tibeats. Dano is now poised to make an even larger impact in The Batman.
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What began as an independent picture for Ben Affleck's Batman has evolved into a separate feature set outside of DC's Extended Universe. In his third year of battling crime and discovering injustice in Gotham City, Robert Pattinson has been cast as a spitting image of Bruce Wayne. Authors Matt Reeves and Peter Craig got inspiration for The Batman from the Year One, The Long Halloween, Ego, and zero Year publications. Catwoman is played by Zoe Kravitz, Lieutenant james Gordon is played by Jeffery Wright, alfred Pennyworth is played by Andy Serkis, and the Penguin is played by Colin Farrell.

Although much regarding Dano's nemesis, notably his appearance, has been kept hidden by The Batman's marketing push, there are still plenty of glances at how Reeves and colleagues entirely reimagined the Riddler's outfit. Look no farther than Jim Carrey's crazy version of the character in Joel Schumacher's 1995 Batman Forever, where his green suit was plastered in question marks and he wore outrageously red hair. Dano's interpretation is far more ominous, taking cues from the Zodiac Killer.

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