Stylish Star by pushpa Collections Pushpa: The Rise, a rural drama starring allu arjun, is doing remarkably well in theatres around the world in all languages. The film, directed by Sukumar, had an uninterrupted theatrical run for roughly a week, with no major releases in other languages. However, starting december 24th, pushpa will go up against Ranveer Singh's 83, helmed by Kabir Khan, and Nani's shyam singha roy at the box office.
Pushpa is also a terrific collector in the United States. According to the latest reports, the movie Pushpa: The Rise, starring allu arjun and rashmika mandanna, grossed $2 million in the United States. sukumar magnificent opus accomplished this achievement in just seven days. Despite varied reviews, the film has reached this significant milestone. Sukumar's directorial debut is based on the life of red sandalwood traffickers in Andhra Pradesh's Seshachalam district.
While the first half concentrated on Pushpa's rise to the top of the red sandalwood smuggling business, the second part will focus on Allu Arjun's rivalry with Fahadh Faasil. pushpa, which also stars sunil and anasuya bharadwaj in pivotal parts, is produced by movie MAKERS' target='_blank' title='mythri movie makers-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">mythri movie makers and Muttamsetty Media, with devi sri prasad scoring the music.