Anand Deverakonda, Vijay Deverakonda's brother, is preparing for the premier of his new movie, Pushpaka Vimanam. The film's creators are going to great lengths to prepare audiences for its release. In the midst of this, actor allu arjun released the film's trailer on social networking sites early Saturday, eliciting excitement from the whole south. In the evening, Allu Arjun's supportive brother Vijay joined allu arjun at the teaser launch ceremony for the movie.
Vijay Deverakonda wore a black clean suit over a white immaculate shirt and looked stylish. The actor wore his formals with dark jeans, setting significant fashion goals for his admirers. allu arjun, on the other hand, arrived at the event with a beard and a white t-shirt. His eccentric sunglasses, on the other hand, were the centre of attention. While posing for the photo, both vijay deverakonda and allu arjun flashed a contagious smile.
Pushpaka Vimanam is directed by Domodara, and it was co-produced by Vijay Deverakonda. ram Miriyala, Sidharth Sadasivuni, Mark K Robin, and amit N Dasani composed the music for the dark comedy film. allu arjun posted in a post announcing the movie's trailer, "I'm excited to release the trailer for #PushpakaVimanam. Best wishes to everyone in the crew."