Samantha Ruth Prabhu, who previously confirmed her breakup from Akkineni naga chaitanya, has always been a strong advocate for herself. She's now suing YouTube channels for defamation for posting hateful material about her. samantha will issue legal letters to suman TV, Andhra Popular TV, and a few other YouTube channels for badmouthing her image on their networks.
Samantha has also reportedly filed a court notice against venkat Rao, an attorney who allegedly commented about Samantha's married relationship and said she had sexual relationships. samantha has been the topic of the town since her separation from naga chaitanya, and she is being bullied online. samantha had sent a personal statement in the aftermath of all the hostility, requesting that others keep away from her because she will not be broken by hate.
In these battles, it appears that neither her former naga chaitanya nor his dad nagarjuna supported her or stood by her side. However, now fans question why samantha never lodged any case against sri reddy who revealed about Preetham Stylist as gay and told even though they are close, nothing happened between them and made some controversial statements on both of them.