Samantha Ruth Prabhu and naga chaitanya, a prominent telugu film pair, recently announced their divorce. Their #ChaySam enthusiasts were furious when they learned of their split. The couple's breakup was disclosed on social media, and it was a terrible time for everyone. samantha had altered her name from samantha akkineni to S on social networks, which fuelled the divorce allegations. Here's how the love story star is handling the breakup.
Spending time with Family
Naga chaitanya has spent a lot of time with his family members and friends recently. The actor continues to take short breaks from his professional obligations to spend quality time with his family. His family and friends are doing everything they can to keep him in a good mood.
Bonding with Akhil
Akhil Akkineni and naga chaitanya have a strong bond. The performer keeps himself active and is frequently seen having a good time with his younger brother.
Renovating his new Residence
Right now, Chay is busy in renovating his new house according to his own style and he is doing all the interior decoration works by himself as per his interests and taste.
Signing new movies
The actor recently wowed audiences with his performance in the film love Story. Thank You, Laal Singh Chaddha, and Bangarraju are among his upcoming films. With aamir khan and kareena kapoor Khan, the performer will make his Debut appearance in hindi films