Ananya Panday has expressed her excitement to return to the set of her upcoming film Liger, in which she will appear alongside South superstar Vijay Deverakonda. ananya is getting ready to star in puri Jagannadh's pan-India blockbuster. A few moments earlier, the talented actress took to her instagram stories to share a photo of Vijay from the sets of Liger taken by Charmme Kaur (the film's co-producer). The movie's shooting resumed yesterday, and ananya can't seem to control her enthusiasm at the prospect of getting back to work.
Ananya conveyed her eagerness to continue filming with team Liger after seeing Charmme's article. “#Liger #SaalaCrossbreed,” she added. @thedeverakonda @purijagannadh @charmmekaur I can't wait for this to happen on set with you boys @thedeverakonda @purijagannadh @charmmekaur” Vijay also posted the same photo on instagram today, giving the public a peek of his role in the movie, who is an Ufc fighter. "BLOOD. Perspire. VIOLENCE. #LIGER Shoot Resumes," Vijay posted beside a shot of him from the set, in which he can be seen seated inside a ring.
In an exclusive interview with a leading media, Vijay's fitness instructor for Liger, Kuldip Sethi, stated that the performer will be shown on film as a beast and in a never-seen-before avatar. puri jagannadh directs Liger, which is produced by puri Connects. karan Johar's dharma productions is collaborating on the project.