It has been more than a week since raj Kundra got arrested for publishing porn content on Hot Shots App and he has been involved in the creation of various porn stuff at his office. There have been several pieces of evidence against him and mumbai Commissioner has arrested him and is making interrogations with him after getting a legal warrant against him.
All his financial transactions, whatsapp Chats are now being decoded and his brother-in-law company in the UK is also being dug in this issue. When shilpa shetty was interrogated by the mumbai Cyber branch officials, she revealed that she never had any idea about her husband getting involved in creating porn and she also said there is difference between Eroica and Porn and he doesn't involved directly on porn.
But 'Shaktimaan' actor mukesh Kanna feels that shilpa shetty is lying as she gets questioned by the cops and several claims revealed that shilpa broke into tears and she was even having a heated argument with her husband when the cops came to her house and currently she is avoiding all the shooting of the reality show 'Super Dancer' Season 4. mukesh Kanna further said that shilpa is not responsible for this, but she must have the guts to speak against raj and if she does, the whole porn industry will be closed.