As the lockdown is no longer in rule, Shootings have started in a full-fledged mode in hyderabad and after a very long hiatus, the Acharya team has resumed the shooting and we can see chiranjeevi arriving at the spot earlier itself. director koratala siva vented those words, "ACTIONNN..!" and we saw chiranjeevi making a fiery speech before a small crowd, and then koratala siva uttered "CUTTT..!".
The whole telugu industry is getting back to roots right now as things are getting once again to normal mode and the shooting of 'Acharya' resumed after the lockdown today itself. Even though only a few portions are pending, koratala siva leaves no stone unturned and he has invited pooja hegde and kajal aggarwal to complete the patchwork portions also.
Ram Charan will be coming to the spot on monday and he will be working with chiranjeevi for a massive fight portion and that stunt sequence alone will take around 7 days of time. koratala siva is also preparing the post-production works on a parallel note as he wanted to make an announcement on the new release date of 'Acharya' after the pumpkin-breaking ceremony on the last day of shooting.