'Radhe Shyam' is an upcoming romantic drama flick written by radha krishna kumar and it features prabhas and pooja hegde in lead roles. The movie is a Pan-India flick and it will be shot simultaneously in telugu and hindi languages. It will also be dubbed in Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam. The movie is funded by uv creations and T-Series as a joint venture.
The movie has music by Justin Prabhakaran and cinematography by Manoj Paramahamsa. Editing is done by Kotagiri Venkateswara Rao. The team is on the verge of a complete wrap-up and already pooja hegde completed her portions fully. Now, in this case, prabhas has watched the final copy of the movie with his team members and he is quite happy with the output and the way the movie has been shaped up.
He immediately called pooja hegde and showered praises on her brilliant performance in the movie and he also lauded her role in particular. It should be noted that pooja hegde completed her final schedule for 'Radhe Shyam' in italy and with that she also completed her dubbing portions in her own voice for the movie. The actress will be seen in a lovely romantic soft role.