jayam ravi was last seen on screen before six months in the action-packed revenge thriller Adangamaru directed by debutant karthik Thangavel and the movie was a decent commercial success. Post the success the actor's been working on his 24th movie Comali directed by debutant pradeep Ranganathan and bankrolled by Vels Film international and the movie was ready for release before a month itself.
Comali which released on august 15th clashed with various biggies and emerged as a winner. Comali featured milky beauty Kajal Aggarwal, bikini babe samyuktha hegde and yogi Babu. The movie had music by Hip Hop Tamizha aadhi and it was a hugely successful venture. The movie was a profitable venture for theater owners and distributors.
In this case, the team recently celebrated a successful day function and kajal aggarwal surprisingly refrained from the event. Reports confirmed that Kajal was upset as the team edited lots of her scenes and prioritized Samyukta Hegde. But now putting all rumors to rest, Kajal has joined with ravi once again for a new venture and the movie will go on floors sooner. watch out this space for more updates.
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