Actor santhanam post the disastrous Sakka Podu Podu raja scored a comeback hit with the sequel horror-comedy Dhillukku Dhuddu 2, the horror-comedy and his next release is A1 co-starring tara ALISHA BERRY' target='_blank' title='click here to read more about tara ALISHA BERRY">tara alisha berry and helmed by debutant Johnson. Recently the first look poster of his next movie got released, and the movie is titled Dagaalty. The first look poster had santhanam in an uber-stylish and rugged look, smoking a cigarette.
Made by vijay Anand an erstwhile associate of director Shankar, Dagaalty is bankrolled by SP Chowdhary of18 reels and Santhanam'l owned Handmade films with Rittika Sen playing the female lead, and yogi Babu as a comedian.
Kollywood is right now in a period where directors, music composers, producers, comedy actors are transforming into actors. The latest to join this list is Comedy actor Santhanam. He is now trying to be a lead actor and he just rejects comedian offers. Definitely not as santhanam has a line of movies booked for him to play the hero role and he will not act as a solo comedian hereafter.
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