Bollywood young sensation Ranveer Singh, who has been constantly on the rise ever since he joined hands with Sanjay Leela Bhansali for Ram Leela, as his Bhajirao Mastani was a blockbuster eclipsing Dilwale of SRK, and his latest, Padmaavat was a huge blockbuster as well.
On the personal side too, his life has been on a happy note, as he got married to his lady love, the gorgeous Deepika Padukone recently, and next, the actor returned to silver screens with his cop masala entertainer Simmba directed by Rohit Shetty and costarring Sara Ali Khan and Sonu Sood.
Known for his crazy attitude, wacky costume sense, and peculiar way of promoting, the movie ended a hit. Now, he is working on the biopic of Kapildev and Sara has been roped in for a crucial role in the movie.