The small screen reality game show Bigg Boss has been a hit in all its Indian versions, be it the Hindi version and the Kannada versions that have been spanning across seasons, being hosted by Salman Khan and Kicha Sudeep, or the tamil and telugu versions hosted last year by Kamal haasan and Jr NTR, all the languages have recorded huge TRPs for the show.
While it is being speculated that Natural Star Nani and Ulaganayagan Kamal haasan himself will be hosting the telugu and tamil versions season 2 this year, it has now been revealed that director and popular actor Mahesh Manjrekar wil be hosting the Marathi version of Bigg Boss, which will be aired in Colors Marathi from April 15.
Mahesh Manjrekar is known for his villainy in films like Don Seenu, Okkadunnadu, Arrambam, Velaikkaran, and the upcoming Saaho, and is also set to direct an action thriller with Shruti Haasan and Vidyut Jamwal which will begin rolling after the completion of Bigg Boss.