The Bubbly actress Mehreen Pirzada, who debuted with Nani starrer Krishna Gadi Veera Prema Gadha, is slowly but steadily making her presence felt in Tollywood. While her second Release Mahanubhavudu opposite Sharwanand turned out to be the Dussehra winner, her recent release, Raja the Great starring Ravi Teja has become the Diwali Superhit.
With a hat-trick of Hits, Mehreen is now the hot property of Tollywood with heavy demand by makers who want to commit her in their projects. The actress recently made her Tamil debut with the Sundeep Kishan starrer bilingual Nenjil Thunivirundhaal directed by renowned maker Suseendhiran. He already signed her got his next Directorial as well.
Now, the actress has tasted success once again as the movie has got unanimous praises from the critics and the movie buffs. The movie is doing well at the Box-Office and has garnered a good name for her. She's quite lucky indeed.