Malayalam Megastar Mammootty's son and Malayalam film industry sensation Dulquer Salmaan has been in the form of his life, churning hits after hits like Bangalore Days, Kali, Kammatipadam, Jomonte Suviseshangal to name a few. He has made his presence felt in the Tamil film industry as well, with films like Balaji Mohan's Vaayai Moodi Pesavum and Maverick maker Maniratnam's Ok Kanmani.
Now , the actor is all set to strike Big with his upcoming release SoLo, directed by Bollywood maker Bejoy Nambiar (Shaitan, David and Wazir fame), which is scheduled to release worldwide in both Tamil and Malayalam on October 5th. This film is an anthology film that has 4 stories, with Dulquer Salmaan in 4 different makeovers and 4 heroines namely Sruthi Hariharan, Neha Sharma, Dhanshika and Arti Venkatesh.
The film has Dulquer Salmaan in four roles, a carefree youngster Shekhar with a stammering issue, a ruthless gangster Shiva, the soldier Rudra and another character named Trilok. With a chartbuster music album and exciting trailers with stunning visuals, SoLo is expected to give a major breakthrough for Bejoy after his last Tamil Release David starring Jiiva and Chiyaan Vikram turned out to be a disaster.