SIP: Difference is only 5 years, but double the profit..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
SIP: Difference is only 5 years, but double the profit..!?
 The future security of children is also an important issue among various things affected by inflation. Inflation across the globe has hit new highs. This has made the people of the world suffer greatly. Along with this, the financial condition of the common man is getting messed up due to other economic problems. It affects all aspects of life. Family, children, and investments are all affected.
The future security of children is also an important issue among various things affected by inflation. Parents' anxiety about their children's education has also increased. Along with children's education, parents also have to take care of other needs of the family and emergency financial needs. In this situation, it is necessary to find a solution before the crisis escalates. For this, it is very important for parents to do proper financial planning at the right time. SIP Calculator: We all read and know about compounding interest in childhood. As adults begin to manage their personal finances, the reality of the power of compounding becomes apparent. Financial experts say that the power of compounding makes sense in the long run. If an investor does not withdraw the money invested from the SIP for the next 10-15-20 years, he will get the proper benefit of the compounding.
The power of compounding is a double return:
The investor gets double returns on the power of compounding. One income is received in principal and the other in interest income. No interest is charged. Therefore, it works to provide compound income. If you want to build a specific fund for yourself for the long term, it becomes easier with the help of the Power of Compounding.
Rs 5,000 SIP and 12% return:
Suppose an investor is planning for retirement. Every month he earns Rs. 5000 SIP invested. He invests in a fund whose average annual return (CAGR) is 12 percent. How much he will get in retirement depends on the age at which retirement planning is done.

SIP can help here:

With SIP, you can accumulate a good amount in a few years and secure your children's future. This way you can get rid of the stress of children's education fees which are increasing day by day. Whether the child studies abroad or within the country, parents can be relieved from the stress of expensive fees or other expenses.

 If he starts saving for retirement at age 30, he will have a total of Rs 1.8 crore. If he had started it in 35 years, his funds would have been only Rs 95 lakhs. This example clearly shows that starting the investment 5 years earlier will almost double the returns.

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