How many people will have to change their jobs by 2030?In today's fast-changing world, jobs are also changing rapidly. With the advent of new technology, many old ways of working are changing and many new jobs are being created. That is why millions of people may have to change their jobs in the coming time.According to the QS report, by the year 2030, about 37.5 crore people will have to change their jobs. This means that they will have to learn new skills. This is necessary because with the advent of new technologies such as artificial intelligence and robotics, many jobs will be done by machines and people will have to learn new jobs. With changes in the economy, new jobs will be created and old jobs will be reduced.India's score in Skills Fit is the lowest among the top-30 countries'Skills Fit' means whether the youth have the skills that companies want or not. Suppose a company needs engineers who have knowledge of Artificial Intelligence (AI). If the colleges of the country are not preparing such engineers, then the 'skills fit' will be low.India's 'skills fit' score in the QS World Future Skills Index has been 59.1, which is the lowest among the top-30 countries. That is, there is a huge difference between the skills of the youth of india and the needs of the companies. To get this score, more than 50 lakh skills were analyzed. For this, in the last four years, more than 1 lakh companies were asked which skills employees they need.India's low score in skills fit is a matter of concern because if the youth do not have the right skills, it will be difficult for them to get employment. If the youth remain unemployed, the country's economy will suffer. If the youth of india do not have the skills that are in demand at the global level, then india will not be able to compete at the international level.
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