Using your phone before bed is harmful?....

S Venkateshwari
Using your phone before bed is harmful?....

After using the phone all day, some people keep running the phone till late at night. This is not correct. This affects the whole body including our eyes and brain. If you also have a habit of running the phone till late at night, then change it immediately. Doing so is also harmful to mental health. Let us know about the disadvantages of using the phone late at night.

Cause of stress and fatigue

The main reason for increased stress and fatigue is a late-night phone call. Running the phone at night affects our mental health. This leads to increased fatigue and stress. Running the phone at night reduces the level of a hormone called melatonin and due to this the stress level increases. To avoid stress and fatigue, one should avoid running the phone till late at night.

Dark circle problem

The main reason behind the problem of having dark circles is said to be using the phone till late at night. Running a phone puts stress on the eyes, which leads to dark circles under the eyes.

Effect on the mind

The effect of running the phone at night also affects the brain. Running the phone for a long time also weakens the ability to remember, which is not right. In such a situation, try that there is no need to run the phone at night.

Gets used to sleeping on time

Due to the habit of running the phone till late at night, the habit of sleeping on time is lost. In such a situation, it becomes difficult to get up early in the morning even if needed. This is the reason why it is advisable to sleep on time.

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