Yoga practices to beat coronavirus?

S Venkateshwari
Yoga practices to beat coronavirus?

What is Yoga?

 According to Maharishi Patanjali (professor of yoga philosophy, the author of yoga Sutras), 'Yogas chitta vritti nirodha' means that yoga is the cessation of the tendencies of the mind. Just as waves arise when a stone is thrown into the water, similarly, thoughts arise in the mind from a pebble in the form of an external thought. This means that if you can stabilize the restlessness or movements of the mind, then you can practice yoga.  

There are eight limbs of yoga, so it is called Ashtanga-yoga – Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi.

Sitting in a stable and comfortable position is called 'sthira sukham asanam'. Therefore, one who practices Ashtanga yoga, he qualifies to be called a Yogi.

Benefits of yoga in covid: Pranayama is very beneficial especially in the Covid period. It strengthens the lungs, maintains oxygen levels, gives peace to the body as well as the mind. If you have not started yet or have started a new one, then do Kapalbhati first. Then according to your physical capacity, time, and condition, starting from a short time, gradually increase the practice of Bhastrika, Bhramari, Suryabhedi, Ujjayi, Sitakari, Sheetali, Yoga-Nidra, Nadi-Shodhan, etc.

Just as we cannot eat food for the whole year in one day, similarly celebrating a yoga day for just one day cannot bring any change. Therefore, keep their practice regularly, only then it will prove beneficial in boosting immunity, improving physical and mental health. 

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