Climate Change Report sends SHIVERS DOWN the SPINE!!

frame Climate Change Report sends SHIVERS DOWN the SPINE!!

Sindujaa D N

The first Climate Change Report central government was released last year under the title 'Climate Change Assessment in the indian Zone'. As the spread of the corona pandemic intensified, the report went unnoticed. The IPCC has released five comprehensive assessment reports over the past 30 years, the most significant of which was released last year.

The report was prepared by the Union Ministry of Earth Sciences in association with the Center for Climate Change Research (IITM) in Pune. This estimate was prepared using the first 'geomorphological model' developed in india to predict the weather. Most of the dangers described in this report confirm the predictions already made and its warnings are certainly troubling to us.

Heat increase and monsoon

India's average surdata-face temperature has increased by 0.7 degrees Celsius in the last 118 years. The average temperature in india has been steadily rising for the previous 30 years taken into account. The next decade will see an increase in the number of hot days and the intensity of temperatures. This estimate confirms that the heatwave is intense and prevalent in the pre-monsoon months of March, april and May.

Increasing the average temperature will increase the number and intensity of extreme weather events and heavy rainfall events. As a result, the number of dry days without rain also increases, leading to drought. 

Ocean and storm damage

Sea levels are also rising due to rising temperatures and varying salinity. 

Events such as heatwave increase in india as the indian Ocean warms, and fluctuations in the southwest monsoon increase. The world's oceans absorb much of the earth's heat. Therefore, the warming of the indian Ocean will disrupt not only india but also the global climate. During the last 68 years, the number of storms in the indian Ocean during October, november and december has increased by 105%. 

The Himalayan region is the snowiest next to the polar regions. More than 9,500 icebergs in the region make up 75% of the world's frozen freshwater. Snowfall is declining, glaciers are melting, and winter rainfall is increasing. Compared to the previous 25 years, AD. The melting of glaciers has doubled since 2000. If they start melting at the same rate, the water levels in the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Indus rivers will increase over the next decade. Water conservation will be questionable. 

Who is to blame?

India is the third-largest emitter of carbon dioxide in the world at 2.6 Kg per annum due to climate change. The question also arises as to whose share is greater in the carbon dioxide, currently being released by India. Half of India's population, more than 65 crores, are extremely poor. They do not emit carbon dioxide in any way. At the same time, the upper class and upper-middle class, who own three-quarters of the country's total wealth, are largely responsible for India's carbon emissions.

In this case, india should have the same restrictions as the rest of the world on reducing carbon emissions. Recent natural disasters, including floods, storms and landslides in recent years in european countries, China, india, Maharashtra, kerala and other states will provide the answer. The people most likely to be affected by climate change may be the grassroots, while the reality is that the effects of climate change will affect everyone without disparity.

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