What Ileana D'Cruz doing amid lockdown?
The actress recently drew a hilarious comparison between expectation and reality in her post. She shared a video and a picture. The video is taken from a song featuring the actress, where she is seen dancing in a thigh high slit dress. The second is a picture in which ileana lies in the bed and yawns."Weekend mood: Expectations vs Reality," she wrote. ileana was last seen on screen in the multi-starrer "Pagalpanti", directed by Anees Bazmee. The video is taken from a song featuring the actress, where she is seen dancing in a thigh high slit dress. The second is a picture in which ileana lies in the bed and yawns. She will next be seen in ajay Devgn's production titled "The Big Bull", a film reportedly based on India's biggest securities scam of 1992. The film also stars abhishek Bachchan.