What are the Effects of early puberty?

frame What are the Effects of early puberty?

S Venkateshwari
What are the Effects of early puberty?

Precocious puberty can cause not only physical but also mental and social problems for children. When a six-year-old girl starts menstruating, her mental state is also unable to cope with this change. Many children are unable to understand the changes happening in their body and this can increase mental confusion.

Such early puberty can cause self-sensitivity and body image issues in children. Apart from this, they also have to data-face mental harassment from fellow children and taunts due to physical changes.

Apart from this, early puberty can also affect other parts of the body. Physical growth accelerates during this period, but this development can also slow down the normal growth of the body in the long run. For example, when a girl's puberty starts early, her bone development may end early, due to which she may remain physically small.

What is the solution?

According to Dr Vaisakhi, it is important to recognize the signs of early puberty in children and make them aware of its possible causes. Children should be encouraged to have a balanced diet and physical activity so that they can develop in a healthy way. Apart from this, environmental factors such as pesticides and pollution should be controlled. Psychological support and guidance should be provided to children to make them mentally strong.

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