Tips to Keep your Little One safe from heat!!!

S Venkateshwari
Tips to Keep your Little One safe from heat!!!

Take care of your child this summer because even your small mistake can take a toll on the child's skin and health. The elders still bear it, but it is very difficult for a small child to bear it. In summer, the child may have many problems related to heat, and skin.

How do pimples happen?

With increasing temperature, our skin tissues also grow. And in such a situation, when we talk about heat, the first thing that comes to mind is prick heat or heat rash, which we also call heat rashes. The reason for this is excessive exposure to sunlight, lack of water, and heat in the body. Due to this, there are red marks or rashes on the cheeks of the children, and even the complaint of rash has been seen in the rear part of the children.

Methods of protection-

Choose only cotton clothes

Dress your child in cotton and loose clothes in summer as this allows the baby's skin to breathe, stays cool, and does not cause rashes. Try not to take the baby out of the house during the sun. 

Use Nappy sparingly

Nappies are common for babies but in summer you can keep your baby free from a nappy for some time because due to nappy in scorching heat, babies get sweaty. 

Use sunscreen and moisturizer

Sunburns are common in summers but a baby's delicate skin will not be able to handle it, so you should buy sunscreen lotions, cooling gels such as aloe vera gel, and moisturizers in advance for your baby. Before using this type of product on your baby for the first time, definitely talk to the pediatrician once.

Use only Talc-Free powder

Finally, if you want to avoid skin problems due to sweating, then give them talc-free powder only. We are saying talc-free powder because carcinogens are found in talc powder which can cause cancer.

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