Do you know what embarrasses your teenage children?

S Venkateshwari
Do you know what embarrasses your teenage children? 

Adolescence is a difficult stage with many changes children data-face. Between childhood and adulthood, every child experiences a variety of changes during adolescence. Changes that occur physically and mentally make them more sensitive. For example, even if you say something casual, they will not be in the mood to accept it easily. Even small things can be embarrassing.


Affection is the expression of your concern and love for children, which includes holding hands and hugging, by doing so they feel safe and secure. 

Avoid scolding your child in front of others or taking a too long lesson on what they did wrong. If your child makes a mistake you need to take it in stride and let them understand. Always leveling children in front of others is like insulting them.

Although students need to spend time with family, you should allow children to do whatever they want for themselves. Be allowed to play with friends, be allowed to go out. As a parent, you should not think that you have to keep an eye on them.

Parents must treat their children as friends. It will help them improve themselves and openly share the problems they data-face. Do not pretend to be overly friendly with your children's friends or classmates. It will embarrass them.

You can look after and nurture what your children need. Do not tell them that you should not do anything to the extent that they think about it and feel guilty about what they like and dislike. Do not impose anything you do not like.

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