Are you worried about your children's height?

frame Are you worried about your children's height?

S Venkateshwari
Are you worried about your children's height?

The development of the child can also be based on the genes of the parents. Just as it is important to monitor the monthly growth of a newborn baby, it is also important to monitor their growth as babies grow and develop. Usually, the development of children depends on their nutrition. Undernourished boys tend to be stunted. Similarly, their genes are responsible for the development of children. Some studies show that short people are often less self-confident. However, some exercises can enhance the growth of children. In this post, you will find about the exercises that help in the growth of those who are short:

Surya Namaskar: There are 12 different poses for sun salutation. By doing them you can stretch all of your bones and muscles. Instead of doing the asanas individually, surya Namaskar will give you the benefit of 12 different asanas.

Camel pose: This expands your spinal string. This will help increase the height. We need to lift our spines and bend like cats and camels. Do this exercise continuously for three to five minutes.

Hanging: Hanging on any rod to keep the body vertical helps to increase your height.

A good diet helps a lot: Milk and dairy products, foods like chicken, eggs, soybeans, bananas, and oats are healthy for your bones and muscles.  Tell your teenage children to do the above exercises that will make their development better and transpire.

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