How much is spent on Republic Day and Beating Retreat?In response to this question, the government had told in the lok sabha that many ministries, departments, organizations and state governments are involved in the Republic Day parade and Beating Retreat ceremony. The Ministry of Defense coordinates with all of them and looks after all the arrangements. Now, whatever expenses are incurred for the parade and ceremony, each department or organization bears it from its own budget. All the expensesare not shown togetherat one place. The Ceremonial Division of the Ministry of Defense received Rs 1.32 crore for all the celebrations of the whole year in 2022-23.
Why do we celebrate Republic Day on 26 January?
India got independence on 15 august 1947, but we did not have our own constitution on that day. On 26 january, we became a 'Republic', that is, we got our written constitutionand we became a completely independent country. 'Republic' means that the head of our country is the 'President', whom we elect. Our Constitution was made on 26 November 1949, but came into force on 26 january 1950. We celebrate 26 november as 'Constitution Day'.
There is a special reason behind celebrating Republic Day on 26 January. On 26 january 1930, the indian national congress (INC) declared 'Purna Swaraj'. That is, on that day the Congress demanded complete independence from british rule. A year earlier, in december 1929, a congress conference was held in Lahore, in which the resolution of 'Purna Swaraj' was passed. The president of this conference was Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.