Why Nagas need weapons and scriptures?

frame Why Nagas need weapons and scriptures?

S Venkateshwari
Why Nagas need weapons and scriptures?

According to senior journalist bhavya Srivastava, Adi Shankaracharya had established the Dashnami tradition, under which he created 10 categories of sanyasis. After this, Madhas were built under these categories, which had a total of 52 Madhas, which were based on the names of 52 prominent gurus. In the 14th century, when aggression increased and delhi Sultanate invaders such as Khilji and Tughlaq attacked India, during this time the need to give arms training to naga sadhus was felt, because before this they did not use weapons. At that time it was decided in a Kumbh that Nagas should be given arms training, and from then on the military training process of Nagas started.

Bhavya Srivastava further says that although now it can be said that the need of Nagas related to weapons is not the same as before, because the awareness and security situation in the country has improved a lot, but still the Akharas want to maintain their ancient traditions.

Which Akhara was formed first?

Journalist bhavya Srivastava told in an interview that 'Awahan Akhara' was established first. It was formed because at that time naga sanyasis were being specially trained. Their group was called 'Akhand', and from this word the word 'Akhada' originated. Thus, the word Akhara is directly related to the unity and continuity of those sanyasis.

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