Why do Naxalites kill common people?

frame Why do Naxalites kill common people?

S Venkateshwari
Why do Naxalites kill common people?

Naxals actually want to eliminate their opponents. They kill those who do not support the Naxalite ideology by calling them 'police informers'. Naxalites want to rule the countryside by spreading fear and killing people. Naxalites also kill those who are higher in status than them, such as landlords and rich people.

When Naxalites kill someone, his family members may try to take revenge. This starts a cycle of violence, then more people are killed. Sometimes Naxalites kill people just to show their strength.

Why do Naxalites attack schools and other important places?

Naxals do not want people to study and progress. They want people to stay in the areas under their control and remain cut off from the outside world. Naxalites know that education makes people aware and they raise their voice for their rights. education gives children new opportunities for jobs and employment, then they can get free from the clutches of Naxalites.

Apart from this, Naxalites break roads so that outsiders cannot come to their areas and the government cannot do development work there. Naxalites also break mobile towers so that people cannot contact the outside world nor give their information to the police. 

Naxalism is a threat to both, humanity and internal security of the country, central govt is committedto completelyeliminate Naxalism. Those advocating the human rights of Naxalites should also consider the human rights of those who suffer because of Naxalism.

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