Is india also on the path of violence?A report has presented a dangerous picture of religious freedom in two dozen countries. In these countries, governments impose strict restrictions on religion and religious hatred and violence are prevalent in the society as well. Countries like Afghanistan, bangladesh, Egypt, india, Iraq, Israel, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Syria, thailand and yemen have witnessed war, terrorism and bloody conflicts in the name of religion in the last few years.
This report shows that in india and Pakistan, since 2007, when this study began, religious violence and government restrictions have been 'high' or 'very high' every year. The same situation has been seen in Bangladesh in most of the years. This report is worrying for india because it is also included in those countries where both religious violence and government restrictions are very high.
Are there really religious restrictions in India?
To know the answer to this question, ABP news spoke to the ruling and opposition parties, senior journalists and social workers. Everyone says that there is no restriction on any religion in indian law. bjp leader Atif Rashid said in a conversation, people of all religions have complete freedom in India. The method of worship can be anything, neither the governments nor the people have ever objected to this. In india, the religious places of minority communities Muslim, Parsi, Sikh, Buddhist are completely safe. Perhaps, international agencies issue such statements to tarnish the image of India. It has nothing to do with the truth.
He further said, "Wherever minorities live in all the countries of the world, be it Pakistan, bangladesh or Afghanistan, they are tortured, forced to change religion, their religious places are demolished, but india adopts a democratic method in this matter. Till date, no minority has been forcibly converted in india, nor has any minority woman ever been forced to marry a man from the majority community."