What is the status of residential segregation in India?

S Venkateshwari
What is the status of residential segregation in India?

Residential segregation means that people live in separate groups based on caste, religion or income. people are discriminated against on the basis of caste, religion or other social identity, due to which they are forced to live in separate areas. Recently a research paper has been published titled "Residential segregation and unequal access to local public services in India". This research is based on data collected between 2011 and 2013, which included 1.5 million people from urban and rural areas.

According to the research, one in every four Muslims and scheduled caste people live in an area where the number of their community is high. About 26% of Muslims live in an area where more than 80% of the residents are Muslims. Similarly, 17% of scheduled caste citizens live in an area where more than 80% of the residents are Scheduled Castes.

Research has found that residential segregation of Muslims and Scheduled Castes (Dalits) in urban areas of india is as much as racial segregation in America. Research has also shown that areas with 100% Muslim population are 10% less likely to have piped water facility. Such areas are 50% less likely to have a secondary school. If a child grows up in an area where only Muslims live, his level of education is on average 2 years less than those who grow up in an area where there are no Muslims.

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