Constantly changing weather is also a factor for water scarcity...

S Venkateshwari
Constantly changing weather is also a factor for water scarcity...

Scientists claim that when Earth's temperature rises, the weather changes and the issues brought on by a lack of water worsen. In fact, over the past 20 years, India's seasonal cycle has been affected by "El Nino" due to the earth's rising temperature, greenhouse gas emissions, and global warming. This indicates that the country's rainfall is declining and its temperature is rising quickly. A survey claims that india wastes a significant amount of water in comparison to other nations.

In addition, one of the main causes of the water crisis is the contaminated water that factories release into the subsurdata-face through pipelines. In actuality, india has around three lakh large and small slaughterhouses. These factories waste millions of litres of water per day. Slaughterhouses are wasting billions of litres of water in other nations as well.

The indian government developed water plans.

National Water Policy: Three national water policies have been developed since the nation's independence. These were the following: the first policy was created in 1987, the second in 2002, and the third in 2012. Water has been seen under this strategy as a natural resource and as the foundation for food security, sustainable development, life, and livelihood. The river basin or sub-basin has been designated as the planning, development, and management unit for water resources under this policy.

This approach allows for the protection of a portion of the river for human usage while allowing the other portion to flow unhindered. so that people have access to clean drinking water. In addition, it was agreed under this policy that interbasin water should be used to meet the requirements of the populace as well as to increase output.

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