Importance and history of Al Aqsa Compound...

frame Importance and history of Al Aqsa Compound...

S Venkateshwari
Importance and history of Al Aqsa Compound...

The Al Aqsa Compound is a religious site that has caused israel and Hamas to be bloodthirsty at the moment. When Hamas bombarded israel on october 7, 2023, its authorities attributed the attack to the ongoing hostility between Arabs and Jews. This also covers the long-standing disagreement around Al-Aqsa. Why is there so much hostility between palestine and israel over the Al-Aqsa complex? What are the religious beliefs surrounding it? What is its history? Who controls it? Who is permitted access and who is not? These and other questions concerning the Al Aqsa complex are addressed. There are numerous inquiries, all of which have solutions found here.

Al Aqsa is located where?

East Jerusalem is home to the Al Aqsa compound. This land is Israeli territory. The acknowledgment of this complex is high among Muslims, Jews, and Christians. This complex, which spans 35 acres, has sacred structures related to Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. This complex contains six important holy sites. Dome of the Rock, Dome of the Chain, and Al Aqsa mosque are sacred sites to Muslims. For Jews, the temple Mount, the Western Wall, and the Holy of Holies are sacred sites.

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