When was Israel established? Let's know...

S Venkateshwari
When was israel established? Let's know...

Formerly a part of Turkey's Ottoman Empire, today's israel was taken over by britain when turkey was defeated in World war One. The globe was split into two powers, firstly America and Russia, during the Second globe War. The conflict had trapped britain in the thick of it. Additionally, this conflict cost britain a great deal as well. As a result, britain gave the United Nations ownership of this portion of its territory in 1945. It was split into two pieces in 1947; one was designated as the Arab State and the other as Israel. Jews were present in the Israeli portion as well. israel, however, proclaimed its independence on May 14, 1948, which was the very next year.

What is Hamas, and how did this radical movement come to be?

Hamas began to exist in the 1980s. which is a political party as well as an extremist organization. Hamas demonstrated its power when it started the first intifada in 1987 to raise the Palestinian people's voice against Israel. Sheikh ahmed Yasin created Hamas, which is known by its Arabic name, "Islamic Resistance Movement." Since he was 12 years old, Sheikh ahmed Yasin has been confined to a wheelchair and is unable to stand by himself. Sheikh ahmed served as the spiritual leader of the terrorist organization "Hamas." He perished in the Israeli invasion of 2004. Hamas operates out of the Gaza Strip. This group assists the local population by running the government. Its military wing is known by the name "Izzedin Al-Qassam Brigade." This brigade will launch the assault on Israel.

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