Dhirendra Shastri banish disease, poverty, and evil spirits...

S Venkateshwari
Dhirendra Shastri banish disease, poverty, and evil spirits...

There is an official website for Bageshwar Dham that contains all of the necessary details. Detailed information about how to apply and receive Dhirendra's blessings is available. Additionally, Bageshwar Dham Mahayantra is offered for sale, and it is very popular. This yantra is said to be magical and is activated by the chanting of 5,000 brahmins. According to Dhirendra Shastri, he has received Balaji's blessings, which enables him to be receptive to pleas from the public. By his grace, he also heals others.

Dhirendra krishna Shastri actually fled nagpur, right?

He did not flee nagpur, if Dhirendra krishna Shastri is to be believed. 

He questions why the rationalists did not convene a meeting when Unaka divya Dham was taking place in nagpur for seven days. He didn't flee when the yagya was over because his programme was just for seven days. He had already completed seven days of the nine-day programme. 

The event was postponed because he had to travel to Raipur.

What wonders performs Dhirendra Shastri?

The claims of Dhirendra Shastri's miracle-working are false. He claims he never made the assertion that he could work miracles. He exclusively spreads Sanatan Dharma. He had stated, "I am merely spreading Sanatan Dharma, which is my right under the constitution," in an official Bageshwar Dham video. I merely ask my god to assist people who are in need. 

Why isn't it regarded as irrational?

How much of Bageshwar Dham is true? How much is false?

Bageshwar Dham is currently the subject of criticism. Superstition is allegedly being spread by Dhirendra Shastri. Despite all the accusations, neither the number of his followers nor the number of visitors to his court have diminished. There are thousands of people in his court right now. Dhirendra Shastri has also said that thousands of followers would not have been present if he had been performing theatre.

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