World Heart Day: warning signs of heart attack!!!
"In our nation, women's symptoms are frequently minimised in a large way. It's crucial to understand that heart disease can affect both men and women. According to Dr Ajit Menon, Senior Interventional Cardiologist at Sir HN reliance Foundation Hospital, women are more vulnerable to heart disease after menopause because their hormones typically protect them in the earliest stages of life. Most heart disease-related symptoms in women manifest long before they experience a heart attack or other cardiac event, according to Dr. Menon, but these symptoms are frequently ignored.This is due to the logistical fact that in indian culture, the lady of the house is never given priority over the complaints of other family members. The same symptoms—chest discomfort with exertion, chest pain with exertion, arm pain with exertion, and chest discomfort while lying down—occur frequently. All of these signs and symptoms could point to heart conditions, but they are frequently misdiagnosed as acid reflux and disregarded. The patient doesn't realise that these were the earlier symptoms she was experiencing and that they were all heart-related until an actual event takes place, according to Dr. Menon.