Does crying gives so much benefits for our body?

frame Does crying gives so much benefits for our body?

Sowmiya Sriram
Does crying gives so much benefits for our body?

When our hearts are filled with unbearable grief, the only comforting thing to express it or alleviate that grief is to cry. It is natural for everyone born as a human being to data-face difficulties in life. Everyone has different hardships. At that time, the only thing that comforts us is our tears. When our hearts are filled with unbearable grief, the only comforting thing to express it or alleviate that grief is to cry.
There can be many reasons for crying. Crying can also come in grief; It can also come in happiness; Can also come in anger. But crying is said to be healthy. Yes, it's true. When you cry, you feel as if all the troubles in your mind are reduced. The release of tears is said to provide us with various benefits. Because of the outflow of tears when we cry, our eyes will not dry out and our vision will not fade. Helps prevent eye irritation by removing dust and particles from the eyes. It's called the feel-good chemical. Likewise, crying is what helps a baby start breathing on its own when it is born. Not only this, a baby's first cry helps the lungs adapt to life in the outside world. The lacrimal gland, which secretes tears, contains a nerve growth protein. It greatly helps in the growth of neurons. The resulting neural plasticity is said to play an important role in improving mood during crying.
Crying has a soothing effect on the nervous system. This effect relaxes the body and mind. When crying, the burdens on the mind are reduced and the mind becomes lighter. Tears provide many benefits to our body that we are not aware of. Therefore, crying should be treated as a normal human emotion and not as a weakness or a gendered one. Many people should be made aware of the benefits we get from crying.

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