Corona Return: Keep an eye on these symptoms?...

S Venkateshwari
Corona Return: Keep an eye on these symptoms?...

New variants of Corona have created havoc in China. Experts have also warned of its increase in winter. BA.5.1.7 and BF.7 subvariants are said to be highly contagious. Both these variants have the ability to spread rapidly and will be much more powerful than the immunity so far.

It is being told that two new variants of Omicron, BF.7 and BA.5.1.7 have been introduced in many provinces of China, from where the corona virus started spreading. Only wreaking havoc. BF.7 has created more havoc. There is a warning of increasing cases of corona in winter.

Both variants were found in cases of BA.5.1.7 in Shaoguan City and BF.7 in Shaoguan and Yantai Cities of Guangdong Province, China. The report states that BF.7 is a subvariant of the already existing Omicron variant BA.5 and has the ability to dodge immunity.

Keep an eye on these symptoms

Any type of throat infection, pain, hoarseness

Persistent pain in the head and eyes

Persistent cough with or without phlegm

Stuffy or runny nose


Change in voice

Muscle pain

Fatigue with fever

There is still some risk for the elderly and people with severely reduced immunity, but not as much for the general population. 

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