Bowel Cancer occurs due to some mistakes...

S Venkateshwari
Bowel cancer occurs due to some mistakes...

Cancer in any way is dangerous. cancer related to the intestines is called bowel cancer and this cancer starts in such a common way that it is not easy to detect. If you repeat some mistakes again and again in the way you do in your toilet, then the chances of getting this cancer increase. Yes, let's know how to understand the symptoms of this cancer and how to prevent it.

How Bowel cancer Develops?

In America and Australia, this cancer occurs in equal figures for men and women, like lung and breast cancer, it spreads very quickly and has a high mortality rate. There can be many reasons for this cancer, but constipation and not having stool properly, putting too much emphasis on the intestines while sitting in the toilet or passing stool forcefully are considered to be the main causes of this cancer.

Causes of Cancer

Bowel cancer is also called colon cancer or colorectal cancer because it also affects the colon and rectum. cancer can also start in the small intestine but it is a rare cancer.

Symptoms of Colon Cancer

If there is frequent blood in your stool, if you have a complaint of constipation, then it can lead to cancer in the future. During this, your weight keeps on reducing and the stool becomes narrow. Persistent abdominal pain, complaints of anemia, all these are symptoms of cancer. Therefore, you should immediately consult a doctor. 

Those who already have ulcer problems or if there is any problem in the intestines, then they should be careful because this cancer can become a threat to them. people who smoke more cigarettes or do not keep their sitting position right during the toilet can also get this cancer.

When we sit in the toilet, there is pressure on our pelvic nerves and if the stool is not clear then the muscles are not able to relax and we keep on applying pressure. This may cause problems for you.

How to treat Bowel Cancer?

If such symptoms are seen, then get it checked immediately, if needed, biopsy and many types of CT scan and MRI can be done. With this blood test and then therapy can be started.

Stop drinking alcohol immediately, do not smoke.

Take care that the stool is not hard and does not become constipated.

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